Hello Kitty Bubbles Gun
It appears that this bubbles gun in the mind of a 5 year old is a weapon of terror. Yep – a bubble head at Mt Carmel Middle School thought that when a 5 year old wanted to shoot bubbles at another child this was a terrorist threat. No doubt the little girl was foamenting trouble. So severe was this threat the frothing school administrators ordered suspended for 10 days and required the child to under go a psychological examination. It seems the psychologist found the little girl to be effervescently “normal”. However, the event is cloud on the little girl’s record which could prevent her from attending another school.
The parents are steamed. They asked for an apology and have received none nor has the bubble cloud been removed from her record.
I am surprised the Mr. Bubble anti-foam squad has not been called.
All in all I am so impressed with the ability of the Hello Kitty Bubbles Gun to foament frothily headed haze brained blobs into action – imagine the power it could possess in a trained hand.
Yet another in annals of – zero tolerance, zero brains.
Thus we strongly recommend all children and adults be equipped immediately with the Hello Kitty Bubbles Gun and we bubble all zero tolerance school administrators.