What Clients Love
Book and Product Reviews
What Clients Love
Harry Beckwith Warner Books ISBN: 0-466-52755-6 304 pages
What Clients Love is a book that covers a wide variety of areas, including customer service, to sales and marketing, logos, writing thank-you notes by hand, and choosing receptionists, as well as a host of other issues that touch on customers, and what they might like of dislike, and why, in the end, customers make choices based more on comfort than on anything else.
One of the ways that we judge a book like What Clients Love is to note whether it contains information that we can use, or whether it contains information that makes us actually take some immediate action. With this book we found ourselves actually taking action as we read through it.
Because it covers such a wide range of customer-related issues, we aren’t quite sure how to categorize Harry Beckwith’s latest book. But we know that if you have a business, large or small, and have customers and prospects, Beckwith has something to say to you in this small volume. And that will help you change your company for the better.
The book is readable to an extreme, and broken out into little segments of a page or two or three. As you read these, you are likely to suddenly “get it” about something. And probably take some immediate action.
We don’t encounter a lot of must-read books – With Winning in Mind by Lanny Bassham (not yet reviewed), All You Need Is Love, and Other Lies about Marriage by John W. Jacobs, M.D (May 2004), Inside the Tornado by Geoffrey A. Moore, Taking Sex Differences Seriously (November 2004) by Steven E. Rhoads, and Secrets and Lies (May 2001) and Beyond Fear (September 2003) by Bruce Schneier make our short list.
What Clients Love is now added to that list. Get it. Read it. Use it.