Against The Gods – The Remarkable Story of Risk
Peter L. Bernstein John Wiley and Sons, $27.95
This is a wonderfully written book about the discovery of how to measure and quantify risk. It begins with the mathematical calculations Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat used to solve the odds of simple game of chance. And how those simple solutions of the 1600’s have lead to the solid foundations of the insurance industry, and catalyzed economic growth generally.
Shoplifters Vs Retailers: The Rights of Both
Chuck Sennewald
New Century Press ISBN 1-890035-18-1 95 pages $11.95
Chuck Sennewald brings both expertise in retail security and a keen sense of presenting information in a useful manner to this 95 page book. Much of the book is given over to twenty scenarios, viewed from the perspective of the customer as well as the store employee.
The scenarios are quite varied, and include cases in which the customer was shoplifting and those in which the customer was, in fact, not shoplifting; in which the store employees behave properly, and those in which the store employees behave improperly. It covers most of the likely cases, and anybody reading this will have a very good idea as to how to behave in most cases they are likely to encounter. Best of all, it gives enough information for people to apply common sense in their dealings with possible shoplifters.
We recommend this book for anyone involved in those aspects of retail security where they might be interacting with possible shoplifters, and for anyone responsible for managing or training those retail employees who might be interacting with possible shoplifters.