D. Glenn Foster 3 Faces Of The Liar
I just spent 3 days with D Glenn Foster immersed in Kinesic Interview and Interrogation. All I have to say is I am stunned that so much of what Glenn has developed to go after murders and criminals is so applicable to commerce. Glenn describe several of the fraudsters I had chased to a fine point, he knew them like he was inside their brain. Glenn described those traits, behavioral and otherwise that we need to look out for and avoid when doing business – as we are the prey and these people are the predators. I must also say I found the material very disturbing as the subject matter of spotting very bad people reminds us – reminds us that evil can be sitting next to us on the bus, the plane, in the golf cart, or in the boardroom.
It gives one a thoughtful pause to remember we must celebrate someone like Glenn Foster who has taking the time, the effort and the passion to cross the Rubicon to confront the enemy of civilization with knowledge.
I very strongly recommend his training for anyone who makes serious choice about or with people – if you are serious you will find a way to learn from Glenn Foster the master.
Please see more at www.dglennfoster.com
Some how, some way, Aegis will find a way to sponsor Glenn for more training either in person on the web or in print.