IDDO Director Gary W. Craig at AMAA Summer Conference

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IDDO Director Gary W. Craig at AMAA Summer Conference

Gary W. Craig moderated a panel presentation at the Alliance for Merger & Acquisition Advisors (AM&AA) Summer Conference in Chicago last month. Gary, Cayce Colley from Endeavor Management, and Mark Walztoni from Crowe Horwath presented the topic of “Increasing Deal Success:  People Risks Impact Integration and Your ROI.” They shared their perspectives on cultural due diligence (CDD) and cultural integration following a merger or acquisition with a keenly interested audience. As Cayce stated, “Our message really resonated with those involved in risk-mitigation and integration planning, and bringing new understanding in how to evaluate and plan for human capital risks.” Gary wishes to again thank his panel members for their superb contributions to this critical topic.

The Alliance of M&A Advisors® (The Alliance) is the Premiere International Organization serving the educational and transactional support needs of middle market M&A professionals worldwide. The Alliance was formed in 1998 to connect CPAs, attorneys, and other experienced corporate financial investors and advisors, and currently has more than 1,000+ professionals that are among the most highly recognized leaders in the industry—drawing upon proven capital resources combined with a think-tank of transactional expertise to better serve the many business investment needs of middle market companies worldwide. Alliance Members represent corporate and institutional sellers and buyers of businesses ranging broadly from $5 to $500 million in transaction value. These essential corporate financial advisory and transaction services include investment banking, accounting, finance, valuation, tax, law, and due diligence.

Gary Craig is the Managing Partner for Vector Group, Inc., a boutique global consulting firm that specializes in cultural due diligence (CDD) and integration following a merger or acquisition. Founded in the UK in 1985, Vector Group is headquartered in Denver with offices in Seattle, Philadelphia and London. Gary is an active member of the AM&AA serving on several committees including international, corporate, both winter and summer conference committees and he is a member of the Board of Directors for the newly formed AM&AA Rocky Mountain Chapter (RMC) in Denver.  He presented on cultural due diligence and integration at the past three AM&AA conferences. Gary is a member of the International Due Diligence Organization.

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