Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio – Author
Our author of choice is Le Clézio, who in our opinion is a very accomplished author. We have read; Desert, Fever, Mondo and Other Short Stories and look forward to reading more of his works. Remerging through a heap of books at a garage sale we found a copy of Le Clézio’s work, Desert. When the book was first opened, hours were lost in the incredible visual and sensual imagery that the author is able to generate with words – words that have been translated from French. We can only imagine what the writing would be like reading it in his native tongue. In researching the author we found we were not alone in our interest and appreciation of him and that the author has won many awards as well as the acclaimed Noble prize for literature in 2008. We also no longer have any of the works we have read as we have shared the books with friends – friends with whom we enjoy sharing a story and the imagery. So pick up some of his works and enjoy.