Public Records Online, 4th Edition
Michael L. Sankey and Peter J. Weber
ISBN: 1-889150-37-1 480 pages
Most companies today end up being involved in what are, in fact, investigations, and having people on staff that are, in fact, investigators. Most investigations today begin on the computer, rather than on the telephone, or by chewing up shoe leather heading for the courthouse. But when your people do an investigation, where do they begin? How do they find out which state has what information available? How do they get access, what are the costs, if any? What was that 47 character URL? Public Records Online is a thoughtful publication that lays the foundation for research, and gives the user a good reference for what they need, and what it will take to get it. It helpfully starts with a 75 page tutorial on how to do public record searches.
As is our custom with resource books, we gave the book to investigators in our office to see if they like the book, and, more important, to see if they use the book. This book got used, and has saved us a lot of time by pointing us to the right URL, rather than doing a lot of online search engine queries. If you have staff members who do, they will appreciate, and use, this book.