The Trust, by Norb Vonnegut, $25.99 – ISBN 978-1-250-00389-8
It took me a few days to get to the book after I picked up a copy and I must say – Well done Norb! From South Carolina to Turks and Caicos this novel does not stand still. As always a good mystery starts with a body and this is not different. The drowning a real estate magnate triggers his daughter to call our hero to Grove to “get things in order” for the estate. As any good investigator knows when one finds a man who is very much in control and than he dies suddenly – one finds many things he had been controlling, as we say, from behind the curtain. Palmer Kincade – the dead washed up tycoon, had his fingers in many places unbeknownst to all. As Grove starts to “get things in order” he is upsetting people’s business, lives and money flows like you would not believe. And from personal experience, nothing makes a person more overtly cranky and peevish than when you mess with their money. As Grove digs deeper, doing his Due Diligence, he stirs up a mess. It really does remind me of a few cases I have work on – where money flowed and when it stropped – people vanished.
Mark my words – this will be a movie! Read it now so you can be one of those who can say, “Oh I know that novel, I got to read the First Edition”, – This is a good read.
Take a look at the author’s web site too.