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As your intrepid part-time editor, occasional conference speaker, and full time investigator — I’m sure that the odd things that show up in the Aegis Journal stun you.  Actually, the offbeat topics we cover often stun us.  We’re also fascinated when our knowledge of trivia and fraud actually work together.  Thus, in line with off beat topics, trivia, and fraud – I offer one more synergism.

While preparing for a speaking engagement on bank fraud at Capricorn’s East-West Conference inMonaco, I promised myself to get some exercise.  I chose to stroll one of the harbors while looking at the massive Yachts that a) I cannot afford, and b) I’m fairly certain I will not be invited onboard (but still fantasizing which boats I would want to own).

Bull May 2011

On my journey in the Cap d’Ail Harbour, next to two massive and stunning super yachts (Caneli and Waterlily), was a small (only by comparison) elegant watercraft called BULL.  I had to come back and get a silly tourist photo with the boat.  Bull is no doubt now controlled by Irving Picard – but previously enjoyed by Bernard Madoff.  A tourist photo opportunity only a Financial Fraud Investigator would recognize and enjoy (our readers too, I hope).  It has recently moved from the spot in which I found it, gone … GKW.

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